Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Daily Challenge - DAY FIVE - 5 Things That Make Me Most Happy

What 5 Things Make You Most Happy Right Now?
Let me start off with a great quote on Happiness.
(One Tree Hill has the best quotes!)
Ok the five things that make me most happy right now are:
{5} My Home. It is my safe haven. I look forward to going home every day and putting on my slippers and just relaxing. And I don't know what it is but right now even doing house work just makes me happy. I love to keep the dishes all clean and I love to stay caught up on the laundry. And over the weekend I did some yard work and it was awesome. I could just go stare at my flower bed. Yes I feel fine and yes I'm normal...I think.
{4} Candy. I know. Awful of me. But I love candy. I love all kinds right now. Sweet, sour, chocolate, you name it. Give me something sweet and you've made my day. Though I try not to eat too much of it and I have even tried to cut back lately thanks to this pregnancy, but I still get a joy in my heart from eating candy.

{3} Baby Z. Feeling her move and grow has been such a blessing. I know I complain a little (though I really shouldn't, this has been fairly easy) but I know and understand that this is truly a blessing and a miracle that some people don't get to experience and I do. I am so lucky and every night when I am settling down for the day, is the best part of my day because that is when she moves the most. It is amazing to feel and even now, I can kind of see it. (Yeah, I was a little creeped out first when my stomach jumped, but I got over that in a hurry.) Now I could just stare at my belly. I love it. Best feeling in the world!

{2} Domer. Oh Domer. Best dog in the world. He is so cute with me. He has seen me crying and come and just laid his head on my lap. He has known when I have been grumpy and just laid on the couch or bed next to me but made sure not to bother me. And he is always so excited to see me which is such a way to come home. I seriously love this dog so much I can't get enough!
{1} Michael. Of course! As you read HERE we are very much in love and I am sooooo lucky to have him. I can't imagine my life without him. He really does make me so happy. He treats me so well and he can always make me feel better in these times of emotional confusion. (Once again thanks to this pregnancy.) I love him with every part of me and I look forward to watching that love grow when I see him be the best father ever to our daughter! I can't wait!

And there you have it, the 5 things that are a little silly and a little worldly, but that make me the most happy right now. Like the quote says though, happiness is not a destination. It is a mood. Love that quote!
What are your top 5?

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