Showing posts with label easter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label easter. Show all posts

Monday, April 1, 2013


I realize my blog is a whole bunch of randomness.
And a bit Personal as well.

This would be a personal post. 

Here is how I spent my Easter 2013

Colored eggs with my mom and sisters on Saturday.
I tend to really take my time and spent the whole time on one egg...
She's a beauty though ain't she!?

Colorin' Eggs Gagnman Style!

Yeah, that's how we take pictures.
I love when we get together and all have so much fun =]

Then on Easter Sunday we went to Michael's parents for dinner and Easter baskets!

Tryin to figure out the Transformer toy we got him for Easter =]
Hope everyone had a very Happy Easter!

Friday, March 29, 2013



Coloring eggs is soooo exciting!

I'm pretty sure Michael still wears that shirt often haha

Awwww our cute lady and the tramp moment

The boys showed their grandma some of the eggs they
decorated. You can tell by her face they were...

And tiny little nephew!
Hope everyone has a Happy Easter this weekend full of fun new memories!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Jensen Easter 2010

First of all, HAPPY EASTER!!

My Easter Sunday started out with an experience I honestly thought I would never do...I went to Easter Mass with Michael, his grandpa and parents. Probably not something I will do again but it was a neat experience. After church we went to eat at J&D's. Michael's grandpa sure knows how to keep us entertained when we are waiting for food. He told joke after joke. One of them had a punch line where he hit himself in the head and it bumped his hat to the side. We told him he looked 'gansta' and he kept it that way the rest of breakfast.

"It's not gonna be breakfast by the time we get it, it'll be dinner!"

After breakfast Michael and I went right home and back to bed. Getting up that early is hard for us.

I have to say I am pretty lucky that Michael's mom still enjoys making everyone an easter basket because my mom basically refuses to make me one.

Michael and I opening our baskets. In mine was a candleholder, a necklace and some candy. Of course it included my favorite Easter treat Yello bunny peeps.

After our baskets were open it was time to get to the coloring of the eggs.
Michael and his brother tend to get "creative" when it comes to coloring eggs. If you don't watch rated R movies, DON'T look at the last few pictures. You were warned. Oh and p.s don't judge. Thanks.

Michael's nephew Kalel loves to growl.

Halfway through coloring them we decided to eat them.

And back to coloring. We tend to concentrate really hard.

Kylie's "preggo" egg and my "cracked egg with a chickie peeking through" egg.

Now, this next picture is the one I warned you about! Don't scroll down unless you think you can handle it!

That egg says cock-a-doodle-doo you sicko! I know what you were seeing!

Hope everyone had a happy easter! Until next time...

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Easter with the Family

Every year we do a big Easter Egg Hunt at my Grandma Hanks' house down in Salem. Hers are special. How she makes them special is she makes a hard boiled colored egg for each grandkid and writes their name on it and hides them all. Once you find your egg you take it back to her. She give the kids ages 5 and under a quarter in return for their egg, ages 6-11 a 50 cent piece and 12 and up a dollar coin. Of course this is my favorite part of Easter and I didn't get one this year. Once she considers you married you don't get one anymore. Big Bummer. Makes me want to be a kid again. It's a super fun tradition that I hope to keep going when I have grandkids someday. I don't know if I will ever have as many as she does...I lost count.

Because we didn't get to hunt for eggs us older kids had to find something else to entertain ourselves. Let me just tell you a little something about my cousins and my boyfriend, they are willing to do just about anything no matter how dangerous or dumb it might be. Michael saw a red wagon sitting in the driveway and thought it would be fun to have Cody sit inside and push him down the gravel driveway... Of couse Cody was up for it and Zach also got excited for this adventure so away we went. It would be much easier to show you rather than tell you how this all went down.

All was going well until Zachary (whose hands you see on Cody's shoulders in the picture below) decided to jump on back...

Needless to say, this wagon is now hidden from the owner.
Never a dull moment when we all get together. (You should see us in a house that is about to get torn down.)

All in all we had a great time as always. I love getting together with my whole family (even though there were a few missing...we are spread from California to Maine) I always am sad to say goodbye but look forward to our next shinannigans.

Me and my sister Jodi.

Me and my Cousin Tish.

And the whole gang. Michael, Tish, Me, Jodi, Cody, Zach and Rochelle.

See you guys next time! Can't wait!