Hope everyone had a fun and safe Halloween! Zianna's first Halloween was a lot of fun! I'm not usually a Halloween fan but with her, it was fun again! Even with her being so little!
Poor girl had to put up with me changing her outfit 3 times so that I could fit all of her cute Halloween outfits into one day!
First we started off by sleeping in Halloween skeleton jammies!
She looks so cute in them!
Then when Michael got her dressed for the day, he put her in her Halloween outfit! I made that bow the night before and she HATED it! But she let me put it on her long enough for a few pictures!
Then after work I put her in her costume! This is what it was supposed to look like but she wasn't digging the hat so we went to plan B which was just the hood of her jacket!
Normally she doesn't mind things on her head but of course this would be the day that she decides she doesn't!
Then I met up with my friend Cristina and her kids and went to our very first trunk-or-treat! Zianna loved going on a walk and seeing all the people dressed up so fun!
After that, we went to Cristina's neighborhood. We went to her next door neighbor who was giving out donuts and apple juice! Then we went to my friend Amber's house! Amber goes ALL OUT for Halloween so of course we wanted to go there! Zianna was asleep by this time but it was still fun to show her off a little!
By this time it has gotten cold and even sprinkled a little so we decided to call it a night and I took her to my parent's house so they could see her in her costume! I did take her to one house in my parent's neighborhood while we were there too!
P.S when do you think she will be too old to match costumes
with her mom?! I've already got ideas for next year! |
All in all, Zianna's first Halloween was a success! She enjoyed walking around, and I enjoyed getting the candy! We were a little bummed Michael had to work but can't wait till she is older and we can go around as a family and she can actually say,
I think this is our first picture of us where she is actually SMILING too! I am one happy, lucky mama!
From, Michael, Anecia and Zianna Jensen!