I cannot believe 3 months has flown by so quickly! Zianna is getting so big, so strong and pretty smart.
She has been much happier lately, lots of smiles especially when she first wakes up. She is eating A LOT. She has been sleeping through the night lately and *knock on wood* I hope it continues! She is talking more and is still such a daddy's girl. She has to be sitting up or even standing, and will lean into everything. She doesn't quite grab for things but she'll lean into them as if reaching with her head. Over the last few days she has even given kisses! Kisses meaning open mouth, tongue out and lots of smiles after because she thinks it's funny! We still don't know what color to call her eyes because sometimes they look dark dark blue and other times they just look brown! She loves to suck on her hands. We'll take her hands out of her mouth and stick her bink in, she'll spit the bink out and go to town on her hands again.
We are loving her more and more each day and cannot wait for what the future holds with this little one and her silly personality!
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