We all know I watch a little too much TV but let's face it, I have no life and TV shows are amazing nowa days.
Let's review my week in TV shows.
Starting with SUNDAY:
The Glades |
I want to like this show SO MUCH. But I'm still on the fence.
It's funny, it has a love story (which by the way I'm team him and Callie even though she has a husband in Witness Protection and a 14 yr old son...)
Keeping up with the Kardashians |
I know what you are thinking but I love this show. It's pretty funny as ridiculous as it is. It's definitely a guilty pleasure. Oh and the last episode was one I could TOTALLY relate to so that's always a plus.
Jerseylicious |
Yeah, I think I was meant to be a jersey girl. They are so funny, I can't help but just love this show. Also, don't be surprised if I speak in a Joisy accent and call you a Jerk-off. I've been known.
The Bachelorette |
Now, I must admit, this is the first season of The Bachelor/Bachelorette I've seen. And I can see why people are such big fans. However, a lot of people have not nice things to say about Ashley, and I kinda like her! Every girl is insecure so I feel she is very relatable but, that's just me.
Rizzoli and Isles |
I'm lovin this show so far. I watched the first season and loved it. Rizzoli (on the left) is so hard core it's amazing and then Isles the Coroner, is so smart and so girly and the combination of the two is so funny! Plus ther's action! First episode and like 3 bombs umm hello! Nice!
Design Star |
Not only is this a competition show which I seem to love, but it's a design show which is amazing. I totally love rooting for people and for designs and then wanted to go spend all the money I don't have to do crazy designs in my home. Right on, designers, inspire me!
Monday also has RAW but I watch that with Michael.
I love this show. I know these girls get a lot of crap for doing a show but I think it is a bit inspiring. If I were a teen, I would not want to...you know. And even not being a teen I am TERRIFIED to be a mom and this show is a nice look inside a young mom's trials. It's great. NOT a fan of Amber and her psychoness and how Gary is always getting back with her. Ew. Move on dude. And Farrah bugs me sometimes. But, I love Maci and I am a big fan of Caitlyn. That couldn't have been easy and I know a lot of people think adoption is the worst thing on the planet but look at the life that lucky little girl has because they knew it was best for her. Plus her and Tyler are an adorable couple! Anyways, let's move on.
The Challenge: Rivals |
It's safe to say I'm obsessed with all of the MTV challenge shows. They are an elimination show, a win-lots-of-money show, a drama show, and hook-up-make-out show, I mean, it has it all. Plus, I would love to try some of these challenges and see if I could hang.I could so go into detail about who I love (Kenny, CT to name the tops) and who I hate (Wes mainly) but let's get on with my favorite show of the week:
Ok, now for THURSDAY:
Rookie Blue |
There is only one show I watch on Thursday's but I came to the conclusion last night that it could quite possibly be the best show on the planet and I could quite possibly do an entire post on the one show.
Not only does this have love triangles: Andy (the main girl in the middle) is engaged to this guy:
Luke |
Who is very gorgeous but can I just say, too perfect?
But, be prepared to gasp, he proposed to Andy with his ex's (and coworkers!) ring! dun dun dun! So I say, Luke, be with this girl:
The ex/current co-worker |
Because, Andy should be with this guy:
Sam |
Sure, maybe he's not quite as cute, but he is Andy's training officer, they had a steamy hook up during a blackout in season one, he is super protective of her, and OBVIOUSLY loves her. Plus I'm a total sucker for protective guys.
He so loves her |
That's not even the only love triangle but I won't bore you with the details, just know you should watch this show.
But there is ACTION!
Episode one, Andy is standing next to a girl that gets shot, then she herself gets shot in the vest. (Sam was the first one to take such good care of her.)
Episode two, Andy's fiance gets shot and she kneels sobbing over his bleeding, dying body and yes, I sobbed with her. (Sam was there comforting her. Don't worry he lives but only so that he can hopefully get back with his ex once Andy finds out that was her ring first.)
And last night's episode, Andy goes after a woman in a burnt, breaking down building and gets trapped with the woman and the woman's dead husband's body. (Sam is on the phone with her the whole time and is right there to rescue her. Oh and he has her on speed dial 3!)
Ok I think that's all I'll say about this amazing show but do watch, you won't be disappointed!
There is nothing on Fridays anymore besides the usual WWE Smackdown which I watch with Michael.
Now everyone go set your DVRs and watch some of these shows!