One thing Michael and I just love to do together is watch all of these singing shows. We are currently watching 3.
We just love when we can say, "I loved it before it was famous."
For example, I did a blog post about how much I loved the song "The house that built me" by Miranda Lambert a while back.
Now she has one many many awards for that song.
Also, I downloaded "Don't you wanna stay" by Jason Aldean and Kelly Clarkson the second Kelly Clarkson tweeted that it was available.
So Michael and I watching these shows together gives us a chance to see careers begin. We love that. And I love that we can enjoy that together.
The first one we watch is of course, American Idol.

We also started watching the new show called "The Voice"
Oh. My. Goodness.
I love this show and the idea of it.
In case you don't know how it works, let me explain...
4 COACHES (NOT judges) have their back turned to the person singing. If the coaches like what they hear they push their button to get that talent on their team. I know what you're thinking, "What if more than one coach pushes their button?" Well, it is then the talent's choice of whose team they want to be on.
Once each coach has 8 singers, they've got their team.
They will then coach them.
Once we get to that point I believe they have to perform, and the coaches have to eliminate their own team members. Until eventually, America will ultimately choose the winner.
So it's a competition between singers to be crowned as "The Voice" but it is also a competition between the coaches to be the ones that can say they discovered and coached them into "The Voice"
The coaches are...
So far it has been SO FUN trying to guess which coaches will turn around and which coach the vocalists will choose. I just love this show!
Ok one more Singing show we watch.
That is CMT's Next Superstar.
Right up our alley.
A singing competition JUST for country singers.
From the producers of American Idol.
Yeah hello we love it!
At this point, there are only 6 people left...
Has written songs for Brad Paisley
and Easton Corbin |
Danielle Lauderdale |
Everyone is really good and we are loving it so far!
If you care to join us in watching these shows, The Voice is on Tuesday nights, American Idol and Wednesdays and Thursdays and CMT's Next Superstar on Fridays.