What a BUSY weekend! This is going to be one full blog so I hope you all are ready for what is to come! First we will start with...whatever day it was that half of our taxes came! We didn't spend right away because it was a day we both had to work. But, we did take a little time to go price things. Like the next day is when we were able to go out and buy a few things... Let's start with the first big purchase, my new camera! Say hello!
OBVIOUSLY I couldn't take a picture of the actual camera haha so this is a picture of the User Guide. Believe me this camer has already been used plenty as you will see with things to come!
Now, let's head to Saturday the 15th. Big day for me because...drum roll please! A NEW VEHICLE!!!
Isn't it cute! And don't make fun of how close the seat is to the steering wheel...it had to be done. But I absolute love it! It has a sweet 6-disc CD changer in the dash, an A/C that is super powerful, a the back seats lay completely flat so when we want to go camping we can load it up nice and full!
Now, I got pretty stinkin spoiled because Michael hadn't been able to buy any of the things on his list yet. But I really do appreciate the way he put me first! Love him!
Now we will continue on with Saturday. I went to Megan's bridal shower and it was so fun! I am so happy for her! After the shower we had to head down to Salt Lake City. You see, I had a big test Sunday morning in Salt Lake and to play it safe I wanted to spend the night in Salt Lake so I didn't have to get up as early and drive as far. So we invited Jess and Tiff for a nice little weekend getaway! We had a lot of fun! We went to Rodizio Grill (which by the way was like HEAVEN for Michael and Jesse...until the bill came...) we also hung out by the pool!

Sunday morning I was up at about 5 am. I could not sleep! I went and got breakfast and could not eat! I texted my mom and luckily she was patient enough with me that she talked my nerves down a bit and I was able to relax until time to go. I was there about 45 minutes early haha but a TON of others were too. So I wasn't the only one with the idea of 'better super early than late.' I think the test went well and I do think I did good enough to pass and that's all that matters right!? Now I have to wait a whole 6-8 weeks till I get my results! Bah! Anyways after the test we all decided to take a trip to the zoo! It was a lot of fun and I took a ton of pics but I don't think I will post any because they were all of animals pretty much. Sunday when we got home we went to look for Michael's goodies. They didn't have the TV he wanted in stock but we got the computer and finished painting the desk. Take a looksie!
I didn't take a complete before pic but picture a cream metal desk that is worth about $6 at the D.I..
And here it is with the computer set up on it and all! It sure isn't painted perfect but oh well I could care less. Michael did it himself and it was pretty good!
Yay for no more slow laptop!
Now we are at today. This morning we had quite a few things on our to-do list. We had to print off my pay stub and take it to the dealership then we had to go to the insurance place then we had to go to Logan to hopefully get Michael what he has been DYING to get ever since he got his first one...his 50" TV. Luckily our first Logan stop had it and we were able to bring it right home and set it up! You know he wouldn't let us wait long to do that...
So here it is!
Ahhhhh what a beut! And here is Michael drooling over it...
Now here are some before and after pics of the "Game Room." Which isn't near finished yet. We still want a pull out couch, stuff hung on the wall, and paint.
(it's still a mess but there will FOR SURE be pics when it is more presentable)
And lastly what we did today was.................HANG CURTAINS!!!! WOOOOHOOOOO!!!!!!
Dining room window before...
And, dining room window after. I think I still want blinds but we'll see.
Living room window before...
And living room window now! Hip Hip Hooray!
Now for your enjoyment I have pics of the whole living room, and our porch. I told ya I sure have been using my camera!
I still have a few more things to do such as fill those shelves on either side of the window, put curtains of some sort on the little window and hopefully soon rip up carpet for nice wood floors! I also have plans to paint the kitchen and add a few things to it so I will keep you updated!